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HERO CENTRAL: Girl dials 911 with deactivated phone

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Kamis, 04 Desember 2014 | 23.23

11Alive Staff, WXIA 5:51 p.m. EDT April 30, 2014 WATKINSVILLE, Ga. -- A 10-year-old from Oconee County was home alone last week when her house was burglarized. She found a way to call 911 that many adults may not know. "I don't want to be home...
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Iranian linked to stolen passports on doomed jet

USA Today, news source 3:21 p.m. EDT March 10, 2014 Dato' Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, director general of the Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation briefs the media over latest updates on missing Malaysia Airline MH370 on March 10, 2014 in Kuala...
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Pollen counts 23 times higher than last year

Julie Wolfe, WXIA 7:40 a.m. EDT March 11, 2014 ATLANTA -- Swollen eyes? Running nose? Scratchy throat? Blame the pollen. Pollen counts in Atlanta Monday were 23 times the count on the same day in 2013. "This is by far the highest count that we...
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Protesters press for changes in stand your ground law

USA Today, news source 12:48 a.m. EDT March 11, 2014 Hundreds of marchers protested the stand your ground law in Florida on March 10, 2014.(Photo: Karl Etters/Democrat) TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (USA TODAY) -- Hundreds of marchers joined the parents...
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12-year-old Peachtree Corners girl returns home

12-year-old Peachtree Corners girl returns home 6757Share This Story!Let friends in your social network know what you are reading about12-year-old Peachtree Corners girl returns homeA 12-year-old girl from Peachtree Corners missing for most of Monday...
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Snowden calls for 'accountability' in surveillance chat

11Alive Staff, WXIA 11:09 a.m. EDT March 11, 2014 AUSTIN, TX --Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden says the NSA is "setting fire to the future of the Internet" with surveillance practices he first revealed last year. During...
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Author: more seniors choosing illegal Golden Girls homes

11Alive Staff, WXIA 6:23 p.m. EDT March 10, 2014 Cobb County Commissioner JoAnn Birrell(Photo: WXIA) MARIETTA, GA - "Baby boomers don't want the retirement their parents had," Chris Lambrecht told 11 Alive News on Monday. Still an active...
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Church taken to court to stop sale of donated land

Church taken to court to stop sale of donated land 3Share This Story!Let friends in your social network know what you are reading aboutChurch taken to court to stop sale of donated landChurch taken to court to stop sale of donated land Try Another...
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2-year-old uses Facetime to save mom's life

CNN, news source 9:54 p.m. EDT March 10, 2014 TUCSON, Ariz. (CNN) - A two-year-old is being hailed as a hero for saving his mother's life. But it wasn't a call to 911 that helped save the day. The toddler tapped into his mother's iPhone and used...
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Police chase, then rescue suspect from burning car

11Alive Staff, WXIA 8:59 p.m. EDT March 10, 2014 Donald Jason Miles, age 28(Photo: WXIA) BROOKHAVEN, Ga -- A car thief probably owes his life to the police officers who chased him down. Donald Jason Miles, age 28, is a career criminal according...
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